Page 26 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 26
116. Embed JavaScript in HTML • Introduction to JavaScript and its
to Display Information in Web application for the web.
pages. (31 Hrs) • Introduction to Web Servers and
117. Use error handling their features.
techniques in JavaScript. (11 • JavaScript Basics - Data
Hrs) types, Variables, Constants
118. Use objects and classes in and Conversion between
JavaScript. (31 Hrs) data types.
119. Describe Animation and • Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical
Multimedia using JavaScript. (1 Operators in JavaScript.
Hr) Operator precedence.
Create a dynamic website using an • Program Control Statements and
open-source tool (40 Hrs) loops in JavaScript.
120. Develop dynamic HTML • Arrays in JavaScript - concepts,
pages using JavaScript. types and usage.
Deploy a simple web project (6 Hrs) • The String data type in
121. Deploy web project using JavaScript. Introduction to String,
IIS. Math and Date.
• Introduction to Functions i n
• Built in JavaScript functions
• Concepts of Pop Up boxes in
• Introduction to the Document
Object Model.
• Concepts of using Animation
and multimedia files in Java
Professional Create workbooks with Data Visualization or analysis Advanced Excel Concepts - Theory-
Skill - 73 Hrs advanced formulas, using Excel - (73 Hrs) (17 Hrs)
Professional macros, charts, pivot Create advanced formulas and • MS excel revision (row, columns,
tables and demonstrate macros (24 Hrs)
Knowledge - ability to use Power tools. 122. Create and modify simple basic formatting, insert menu,
17 Hrs Print setup, etc. ) and Look up
(NOS: SSC/N9402) macros (6 Hrs) introduction and functions
123. Perform form controls and • Types of references and cell
create simple data entry form naming
with macros. (6 Hrs) • Excel Linkage Custom Format
124. Look up data by using and Excel Protection
functions. (6 Hrs) • Tips and tricks
125. Use advanced • Pivot table and Pivot chart
date functions.(6 Hrs)
Manage advanced charts and • Conditional formatting
tables (21 hrs) • Advanced Graphs
126. Create and modify advanced • Power Queries
charts. (10 Hrs)
127. Create and m o d i f y
PivotTables. (11 Hrs)
Use Power Query and Power BI
(24 Hrs)
128. Create a Power Query,
Power Query Function. Invoking
the Power Query function and
combining queries. Organize
the workbook queries (12 Hrs)
129. Use Power BI for simple data
visualizations. (12 Hrs)
Make a dashboard in Excel (4