Page 29 - COPA Vol I of II - TP - Telugu
P. 29

COPA - Elective Module - II Programming in JAVA

             Professional   Writing  programs  using   Object  Oriented  Programming  Explain the following:
             Skill - 70 Hrs;  JAVA. (SSC/N9407)   and JAVA Language (15 Hrs)       •  Object     O r i e n t e d
                                                  1.  Installing JAVA.               Programming with Core Java
             Professional                         2.  Setting the Class path.
                                                                                   •  Java Programming features
             Knowledge -                          3.  Writing and Executing a simple  •  JVM, Byte codes and Class path
             30 Hrs.
                                                     JAVA Program to display  •  Java Program Development
                                                     “Hello”.                      •  Compilation  and  Execution  of
                                                  Demonstrate writing JAVA           JAVA programs
                                                  programs:                        •  Basic JAVA language elements -
                                                  4.  Use of various data types in   keywords, comments, data types
                                                     JAVA.                           and variables.
                                                  5.  Use of various operators in  •  JAVA       Arithmetic,
                                                     JAVA.                           Assignment, Relational, Logical,
                                                  6.  Create  and  use  of  Local,   Increment / Decrement operators
                                                     Instance and Class variables.   and expressions.
                                                  7.  Read  text  from  the  keyboard  •  JAVA String Operators
                                                     using  scanner  class  read  •  JAVA Input and Output streams,
                                                     text from the keyboard using    System in, System out.
                                                     console class.                •  Input using Scanner class and
                                                                                     Console class methods. (10Hrs.)

                                                  JAVA Program Flow Control (20  Explain the following:
                                                  Hrs)                             •  Decision making and flow control
                                                  Demonstrate writing JAVA           using if…then, if then else, nested
                                                  programs:                          if, switch case and the conditional
                                                  8.  Use of the if and if … else    ternary operators in JAVA.
                                                     statements.                   •  Loop control flow using while - do,
                                                  9.  Use of the Switch statement.   do - while loops, for loop, using
                                                  10. Use of the Do … While and      the break, continue statements.
                                                     while - do loops.             •  Terminating  the JAVA program.
                                                  11. Use of the For Loop.            JAVA Number, Character and
                                                  12. Use of the Break and Continue   String Classes. Arrays in JAVA.
                                                     Keywords.                       (6Hrs.)
                                                  13. Use of the JAVA Numbers Class
                                                  14. Use  of  the  JAVA  Character
                                                     Class methods.
                                                  15. Use of the JAVA String Class
                                                  16. Create and use of arrays.

                                                  JAVA Classes, Overloading  Explain the following:
                                                  and Inheritance (20 Hrs)   •  JAVA  Objects,  Classes  and
                                                  Demonstrate writing JAVA           Methods.
                                                  programs:                        •  Passing  data  and  objects  as
                                                  17. Create  and  use  of  simple   parameters to methods.
                                                     classes, objects and methods  •  Method Overloading.
                                                     in JAVA.                      •  Constructors and  Overloaded
                                                  18. Pass data and Objects to       constructors.
                                                     Methods.                      •  Inheritance in JAVA.
                                                  19. Return data and Objects from  •  Method Overriding in JAVA.
                                                     Methods.                        (8Hrs.)
                                                  20. use of constructors in JAVA.
                                                  21. Create and use of Overloaded
                                                     methods in JAVA.
                                                  22. Override methods in JAVA.
                                                  23. Create and use of Super class,
                                                     Sub class in JAVA.

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