Page 372 - Electrician 1st year - TT - Malayalam
P. 372

Table 1

                                               Trouble Shooting Chart
                Problem                     Possible cause                            Corrective action

          Mixer does not  run.  a) Overload trip might  have tripped.  a) Reset the overload relay and advice the customer
                                                                  not to overload the mixer in future.
                             b) No power at the outlet.        b)If the mixer is running in your shop but not
                                                                  running a t  the  customer’s  house  ask  the
                                                                  customer to get the socket repaired.

                             c) Defective power cord or plug.  c)Test, repair or replace the power cord/plug.
                             d) Locked shaft.                  d) Unplug the supply and try to rotate the shaft
                                                                  by  hand.  Clean t he  bearings;  lubricate t he
                                                                  bearings as advised by the manufacturer. If the
                                                                  shaft is still tight, recondition or replace the
                                                                  bearings. The shaft  might have got bent.
                                                                  Replace the shaft or armature assembly.

                             e) Worn out brushes.              e) Replace the brushes and  loose springs
                             f) Open circuited.                f) Check  the field  and  armature windings.
                                                                  If found defective get it rewound or replace.

          Blows fuse when    a) Shorted power cord.            a) Replace the cord.
          switched on.
                             b) Locked shaft.                  b) As in ‘d’ above.

                             c) Defective armature or field coils.  c) Test the windings for short. If short is found,
                                                                  rewind or replace.
                             d) Poor insulation resistance.    d) Check, test and   repair.

                             e) Low capacity fuse.             e) Check the capacity of  the fuse against  the
                                                                  mixer rating. Replace if required.
          Mixer runs but     a) Overloading of mixer.          a)Bring down the load in the mixer or advise the
          b e c o m e  h   s  . t o                               c u  o t s  m  g   o t   r e  g i h   a   r o f   o  h  c   r e  a p a    y t i c  m x i  . r e
                             b) Time rating of mixer  is exceeded.  b) Check the duration the mixer is switched on by
                                                                  the customer and compare with the mixer
                                                                                             rating. Advise accordingly.
                             c) Bent shaft and rotor is rubbing the  c) Check, repair or replace if required.
                             d) Improper coupling.             d) Check, repair or replace if required.
                             e) Shorted winding.               e) Check, test and rewind if required.

          Bad sparking       a) Struck or worn out  or loose   a) Check, reshape the brushes, replace the
          at motor brushes.      u r b  s h e  . s                s  n i r p  g  r o   s  reposition the brushes for proper
                             b) Pittings or uneven commutator  b) Use sand paper or turn the commutator on a
                                surface.                          lathe.

       352          ഇലക്്ടട്്രരീഷ്്യൻ (NSQF - പുതുക്തിയ 2022)  േതി. സതി .  റവണ്തി എക്്ടസതിർസസസ്ട 1.11.96
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