Page 21 - Fitter 1st Year - TP - Hindi
P. 21

80.File fit- combined, open angular and  Method of expressing tolerance as
                                                  sliding sides. (08 hrs.)          per  BIS  Fits:  Definition,  types,
                                                                                    description  of  each  with  sketch.
                                               81.File  internal  angles  30minutes  Vernier  height  gauge:  material
                                                  accuracy open, angular fit. (12 hrs.)  construction,  parts,  graduations
                                                                                    (English & Metric) uses, care and
                                                                                    maintenance.  (04 hrs.)
                                               82.Make sliding fit with angles other than  Pig Iron: types of pig Iron, properties
                                                  90o (21 hrs.)                     and uses.
                                                                                    Cast  Iron:  types,  properties  and
                                                                                    usesWroughtiron:- properties  and
                                                                                    Steel:  plain  carbon  steels,  types,
                                                                                    properties and uses.
                                                                                    Non-ferrous  metals  (copper,
                                                                                    aluminium, tin, lead, zinc) properties
                                                                                    and uses. (05 hrs.)

                                               83.Scrap on flat surfaces, curved surfaces  Simple  scraper-  flat,  half  round,
                                                  and parallel surfaces and test. (04 hrs.)  triangular and  hook  scraper  and
                                                                                     their  uses.    Blue  matching  of
                                               84.Make & assemble, sliding flats, plain  scraped surfaces (flat and curved
                                                  surfaces. (12 hrs.)
                                                                                     bearing surfaces). Testing scraped
                                               85.Check  for  blue  math  of  bearing  surfaces: ordinary surfaces without
                                                  surfaces- both flat and curved surfaces  a master plate. (04 hrs.)
                                                  by wit worth method. (5 hrs.)83.
                                                  Scrap surfaces- both flat and curved
                                                  surfaces by wit worth method. (5 hrs.)

                                               86.File and fit combined radius and angular Vernier micrometer, material, parts,
                                                 surface (accuracy ± 0.5 mm), angular graduation,  use,  care  and
                                                 and radius fit. (15 hrs.)          maintenance.  Calibration  of
                                                                                    measuring instruments.
                                               87.Locate accurate holes & make accurate
                                                 hole for stud fit. (2 hrs.)        Introduction to mechanical fasteners
                                                                                    and its uses.
                                               88.Fasten mechanical components / sub-
                                                 assemblies together using screws, bolts Screw   thread   micrometer:
                                                 and collars using hand tools. (5 hrs.)  Construction, graduation and use.
                                                                                    (05 hrs.)

                                               89.Make sliding fits assembly with parallel Dial  test  indicator,  construction,
                                                 and  angular  mating  surface. parts, material, graduation, Method
                                                 (± 0.04 mm) (21 hrs.)              of  use,  care  and  maintenance.
                                                                                    Digital dial indicator. Comparators-
                                                                                    measurement  of  quality  in  the
                                                                                    cylinder bores.  (05 hrs.)

               Professional  P r o d u c e     90.Lathe operations-                 Safely precautions to be  observed
               Skill 95 Hrs;  c o m p o n e n t s  91.True job on four jaw chuck using knife  while  working  on  a  lathe,  Lathe
                             involving  different                                   specifications,  and  constructional
               Professional  operations on lathe  tool. (5 hrs.)                    features.  Lathe  main  parts
               Knowledge     observing standard  92.Face both the ends for holding between descriptions-  bed,  head  stock,
               15 Hrs
                             procedure  and       centres. (06 hrs.)                carriage, tail stock, feeding and thread
                             check for accuracy.  93.Using roughing tool parallel turn ± 0.1  cutting mechanisms. Holding of job
                             [ D i f f e r e n t  mm. (06 hrs.)                     between centres,  works with catch
                             Operations     -                                       plate,  dog, simple description of  a
                             facing,    plain  94.Measure the diameter using outside facing  and roughing  tool and  their
                             turning,    step     caliper and steel rule.(1 hr.)    applications. (04 hrs.)
                             turning,  parting,
                             c h a m f e r i n g ,

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