Page 16 - Fitter 1st Year - TP - Hindi
P. 16


                         Reference               Professional Skills
          Duration        Learning                (Trade Practical)              Professional Knowledge
                                                                                      (Trade Theory)
                          Outcome              With Indicative Hours

         Professional Plan and  organize 1. Importance of trade training, List of tools  All necessary guidance to be provided
         Skill 212 Hrs; the work to make job  & Machinery used in the trade. (1 hr.)  to the new comers to become familiar
                       as per specification                                   with the working of Industrial Training
         Professional                    2. Safety  attitude  development  of  the
         Knowledge     applying  different  trainee  by  educating  them  to  use  Institute  system  including  stores
         37Hrs         types of basic fitting  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  procedures.
                       operation    and    (5 hrs.)                           Soft  Skills, its  importance  and  Job
                       Check         for                                      area after completion of training.
                       d i m e n s i o n a l 3. First Aid  Method  and  basic  training.
                       accuracy following  (2 hrs.)                           Importance  of  safety  and  general
                       safety precautions.  4. Safe disposal of waste materials like  precautions  observed  in  the in  the
                       [Basic     fitting  cotton  waste,  metal chips/burrs  etc.  industry/shop floor.
                       operation - marking,  (2 hrs.)                         Introduction of First aid. Operation of
                       Hacks     awing,                                       electrical mains and electrical safety.
                       Chiseling,  Filing, 5. Hazard  identification and  avoidance.  Introduction of PPEs.
                       Drilling, Taping and  (2 hrs.)
                       Grinding     etc.  6. Safety  signs  for  Danger,  Warning,  Response to emergencies e.g.; power
                       Accuracy:      ±    caution  &  personal safety  message.  failure, fire, and system failure.
                       0 . 2 5 m m ]       (1 hrs.)                           Importance of housekeeping & good
                       CSC/N0304.                                             shop floor practices.  Introduction to
                                         7. Preventive  measures  for  electrical
                                           accidents & steps to be taken in such  5S concept & its application.
                                           accidents. (2 hrs.)                Occupational  Safety  &  Health:
                                                                              Health,  Safety  and  Environment
                                         8. Use of Fire extinguishers. (7 hrs.)
                                                                              guidelines, legislations ®ulations
                                         9. Practice and understand precautions to  as applicable.
                                           be followed while working in fitting jobs.  Basic understanding  on  Hot  work,
                                           (2 hrs.)
                                                                              confined  space  work and  material
                                         10.Safe use of tools and equipments used  handling equipment. (04 hrs.)
                                           in the trade. (1 hrs.)

                                         11.Identification of tools &equipment as  Linear  measurements-  its  units,
                                            per desired specifications for marking  dividers, calipers, hermaphrodite,
                                            & sawing. (4 hrs.)                 centre  punch,  dot  punch,  prick
                                                                               punch their description and uses of
                                         12.Selection of material as per application.  different  types  of  hammers.
                                            (1 hrs.)
                                                                               Description,  use  and  care  of  'V'
                                         13.Visual inspection of raw material for  Blocks, marking off table.
                                            rusting, scaling, corrosion etc. (1 hrs.)
                                                                               Measuring  standards  (English,
                                         14.Marking out lines, gripping suitably in  Metric   Units),   angular
                                            vice  jaws,  hacksawing  to  given  measurements. (04 hrs.)
                                            dimensions. (9 hrs.)
                                         15.Sawing  different  types  of metals  of
                                            different sections. (6 hrs.)

                                         16.Filing Channel, Parallel. (5 hrs.)  Bench  vice  construction,  types,
                                                                               uses,  care  &  maintenance,  vice
                                         17.Filing- Flat and square (Rough finish),  clamps,  hacksaw  frames  and
                                            (08 hrs.)                          blades, specification, description,
                                         18.Filing practice, surface filing, marking  types  and their  uses,  method  of
                                            of straight and parallel lines with odd  using hacksaws.
                                            leg calipers and steel rule. (5 hrs.)

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