Page 15 - Electrician 1st Year - TP - Hindi
P. 15

                                Reference                Professional Skills
                Duration         Learning                 (Trade Practical)           Professional Knowledge (Trade
                                 Outcome               With Indicative Hours                    Theory)

               Professional   Prepare profile  1.  Visit various sections of the institutes   Scope of the electrician trade.
               Skill 40 Hrs.;  with an appropriate   and location of electrical installations.   Safety rules and safety signs.

               Professional   accuracy as per      (01hrs.)                          Types and working of  fi re  extin-
               Knowledge 10   drawing following   2.  Identify safety symbols and hazards.   guishers. (03 hrs.)
               Hrs.          safety precautions.   (02Hrs.)
                                                3.  Preventive measures for electrical
                             (NOS: PSS/            accidents and practice steps to be
                                                   taken in such accidents. (03hrs.)
                                                4.  Practice safe methods of fi re fi ghting
                                                   in case of electrical fi re. (02hrs.)
                                                5. Use of fi re extinguishers. (03Hrs.)
                                               6. Practice elementary fi rst aid. (02hrs.) First aid safety practice.

                                               7.  Rescue a person and practice artifi cial  Hazard identifi cation and preven-
                                                  respiration. (01Hrs.)              tion.
                                               8.  Disposal procedure of waste materials.  Personal safety and factory safe-
                                                  (01Hrs.)                           ty.
                                               9.  Use of personal protective equipment.  Response to emergencies e.g.
                                                  (01hrs.)                           power failure, system failure and

                                               10. Practice on cleanliness and procedure
                                                  to maintain it. (02 hrs.)
                                               11. Identify trade tools and machineries.  fi re etc.  (03 hrs.)
                                                                                     Concept of Standards and advan-
                                               12. Practice safe methods of lifting and han- tages of BIS/ISI.
                                                  dling of tools & equipment. (03Hrs.)
                                                                                     Trade tools specifi cations.
                                               13. Select proper tools for operation and   Introduction to National Electrical
                                                  precautions in operation. (03Hrs.)

                                               14. Care & maintenance of trade tools.
                                               15. Operations of allied trade tools. (05  Code-2011. (02 hrs.)
                                                                                     Allied trades: Introduction to fi tting
                                               16. Workshop practice on fi ling and hack- tools, safety precautions. Descrip-
                                                                                     tion of files, hammers, chisels
                                                                                     hacksaw frames, blades, their
                                                                                     specifi cation and grades.

               Professional  N2001)                sawing. (05Hrs.)                  Types of drills, description & drilling
               Skill 95 Hrs.;  Prepare electrical  17. Prepare terminations of cable ends   machines. (02 hrs.)
               Professional  wire joints, carry out   (03 hrs.)                      Fundamentals of electricity, defi -
               Knowledge 20  soldering, crimping   18. Practice on skinning, twisting and   nitions, units & eff ects of electric
               Hrs.         and measure insu-      crimping. (08 Hrs.)               current.
                            lation resistance of                                     Conductors and insulators.
                            underground cable.  19. Identify various types of cables and
                                                   measure conductor size using SWG
                                                   and micrometer. (06Hrs.)          Conducting materials and their
                                                                                     comparison. (06 hrs.)
                                                20. Make simple twist, married, Tee and

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