Page 14 - Electrician 1st Year - TP - Hindi
P. 14
+¦ªÉÉºÉ ºÉÆ. +¦ªÉÉºÉ Eäò ¶ÉÒ¹ÉÇEò {ÉÞ¹`öõ ºÉÆ.
¨ÉÉb÷¬Ú±É 12 : ]ÅõÉxºÉ¡òɨÉǺÉÇ (Transformers)
1.12.98 ˺ÉMÉ±É ¡äòVÉ ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®úÉå EòÒ ]ǫ̃ÉxɱºÉ/+´ÉªÉ´É EòÒ {ɽþSÉÉxÉ Eò®úxÉÉú +Éè®ú ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉæ¶ÉxÉ +xÉÖ{ÉÉiÉ EòÒ MÉhÉxÉÉ Eò®úxÉÉ
(Verify terminals, identify components and calculate transformation ratio of single phase
transformers) 245
1.12.99 ˺ÉMÉ±É ¡äòVÉ ]ÅõÉƺɡòÉì¨ÉÇ®ú EòÒ nùIÉiÉÉ ÊxÉvÉÉÇÊ®úiÉ Eò®úxÉä Eäò ʱÉB +Éä{ÉxÉ ºÉÌEò]õ +Éè®ú ¶ÉÉì]Çõ ºÉÌEò]õ EòÉ {É®úÒIÉhÉ Eò®úxÉÉ
(Perform open circuit and short circuit test to determine the effi ciency of single phase
transformer) 247
1.2.100 Ê´ÉʦÉzÉ ¦ÉÉ®ú iÉlÉÉ ¶ÉÎCiÉ MÉÖhÉEòÉåä {É®ú ÊnùªÉä MɪÉä BEò±É Eò±ÉÉ ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú Eäò ÊxɪÉɨÉxÉ EòÉä YÉÉiÉ Eò®úxÉÉ (Determine
voltage regulation of single phase transformer at diff erent loads and power factors) 250
1.2.101 nùÉä ˺ÉMÉ±É ¡äòVÉ ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú EòÉ ºÉÒ®úÒVÉ +Éè®ú ºÉ¨ÉÉxiÉ®ú ¨Éå |ÉSÉɱÉxÉ Eò®úxÉÉ (Perform series and parallel
operation of two single phase transformers) 252
1.2.102 mÉÒ ¡äòVÉ ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú HT +Éè®ú LT ºÉÉ<b÷ Eäò ]õ¨ÉÔxɱÉÉå iÉlÉÉ ºÉ½þɪÉEò ºÉƺÉÉvÉxÉÉå EòÉ ºÉiªÉÉ{ÉxÉ Eò®úxÉÉ (Verify the
terminals and accessories of three phase transformer HT and LT side) 254
1.2.103 iÉÒxÉ BEò±É ¡äòVÉ ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú EòÉ ={ɪÉÉäMÉ Eò®úEäò iÉÒxÉ ¡äòVÉ +Éì{É®äú¶ÉxÉ (i) bä÷±]õÉ-bä÷±]õÉ (ii) bä÷±]õÉ - º]õÉ®ú
(iii) º]õÉ®ú - º]õÉ®ú (iv) º]õÉ®ú-bä÷±]õÉ Eò®úxÉÉ (Perform 3 phase operation (i) delta - delta
(ii) delta - star (iii) star-star (iv) star - delta by use of three single phase transformes) 256
1.2.104 ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú iÉä±É EòÉ {É®úÒIÉhÉ Eò®úxÉÉ +Éè®ú ¤Énù±ÉxÉÉ (Perform testing of transformer oil) (QR Code) * 260
1.2.105 UôÉä]äõ ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú EòÉä ±É{Éä]õxÉä EòÉ +¦ªÉÉºÉ (Practice on winding of small transformer) (QR Code) * 262
1.2.106 ]ÅõÉƺɡòɨÉÇ®ú Eäò ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ +xÉÖ®úIÉhÉ EòÉ +¦ªÉÉºÉ (Practice of general maintenance of transformer) 268
{ÉÊ®úªÉÉäVÉxÉÉ EòɪÉÇ (Project Works) (QR Code) * 270
ºÉƪÉÉäÊVÉiÉ / +¦ªÉÉºÉ {ÉÊ®úhÉɨÉ
<ºÉ {ÉÖºiÉEò Eäò +xiÉ ¨Éå +É{É ªÉ½þ VÉÉxÉ ºÉEåòMÉä
Gò.ºÉÆ. +vªÉªÉxÉ Eäò {ÉÊ®úhÉÉ¨É +¦ªÉÉºÉ ºÉÆ.
1 Prepare profi le with an appropriate accuracy as per drawing following
safety precautions. (NOS: PSS/N2001) 1.1.01 - 1.1.16
2 Prepare electrical wire joints, carry out soldering, crimping and measure
insulation resistance of underground cable. (NOS: PSS/N0108) 1.2.17 - 1.2.26
3 Verify characteristics of electrical and magnetic circuits.
(NOS: PSS/N6001, PSS/N6003) 1.3.27 - 1.5.56
4 Install, test and maintenance of batteries and solar cell.(NOS: PSS/N6001) 1.6.57 - 1.6.61
5 Estimate, Assemble, install and test wiring system. (NOS: PSS/N6001) 1.7.62 - 1.8.74
6 Plan and prepare Earthing installation. (NOS: PSS/N6002) 1.8.75 - 1.8.77
7 Plan and execute electrical illumination system and test. (NOS: N/A) 1.9.78 - 1.9.82
8 Select and perform measurements using analog / digital instruments
and install/ diagnose smart meters. (NOS: PSS/N1707) 1.10.83 - 1.10.89
9 Perform testing, verify errors and calibrate instruments. (NOS: N/A) 1.10.90 - 1.10.92
10 Plan and carry out installation, fault detection and repairing of domestic
appliances. (NOS: PSS/N6003) 1.11.93 - 1.11.97
11 Execute testing, evaluate performance and maintenance of transformer.
(NOS: PSS/N2406, PSS/N2407) 1.12.98 - 1.12.106