Page 12 - Content.pmd
P. 12

T«t£ Gi                           T«t£dLô] ùRôPo× LÚj§Vp                                  TdL Gi

           1.6.89        PVp ùPvh Cu¥úLhPo (Dial test indicator)                                    352

                         Tϧ 7 : LûPNp ©¥jRp (Turning)
           1.7.90        úXj§p úYûX ùNnÙm úTôÕ LûP©¥dL úYi¥V
                         TôÕLôl× ®§Øû\Ls (Safety to be observed while working on lathes)            362
           1.7.91        úXj§u Ød¡V TôLeLs (Lathe main parts)                                       365
           1.7.92        @À¥e Utßm UûW ùYhÓm ùUdLô²Nm (Feeding & thread
                         cutting mechanism)                                                         372
           1.7.93        ûUVeLÞd¡ûP«Xô] LûPNÛdÏl T¦lùTôÚû[j RVôo
                         ùNnRp Utßm úLhf ©ú[h Utßm PôdÏPu úYûX
                         ùNh¥e ùNnRp (Preparing work for in-between centre)                         375
           1.7.94        úT£e Utßm W@l©e å-u G°V ®[dLm (Simple description of
                         facing and roughing tool)                                                  378

           1.7.95        JÚ Øû] ùYhÓ LÚ® TX Øû] ùYhÓ LÚ®L°u
                         ùTVo ùRôϧ (Nomanclature of single point cutting tools and multi point
                         cutting tools)                                                             380
           1.7.96        TXYûLj úRûYLs ùTôßjÕ åp úRoÜ ùNnRp (Tool selection
                         based on different requirements)                                           381

           1.7.97        åp úLôQeL°u AY£Vm (Necessity of tool angles)                               385
           1.7.98        úXj§u ùYhÓ úYLm Utßm FhPm Utßm Ï°o§WYm
                         EVÜ ùTôÚ°u TVuLs (Lathe cutting speed and feed, use of coolants,
                         lubricants)                                                                387
           1.7.99        NdLs Utßm Nd¡e R²jR 4 _ô Nd (chucks and chucking -
                         Indipendent of 4 Jaw chuck)                                                394
           1.7.100       ØLl×jRhÓ  (Faceplates)                                                     403
           1.7.101       Õû[«ÓRp (Drilling)                                                         405

           1.7.102       úTô¬e Utßm úTô¬e ùYhÓm LÚ®Ls (Boring & Boring Tools)                       407
           1.7.103       åp ùNh¥e (Tool setting)                                                    408
           1.7.104       åp úTôvh (Tool Post)                                                       412

           1.7.105       úXj BlTúW`u So-e -(Lathe Operation - Knurling)                             414
           1.7.106       ¨ûXVô] N¬ÜLs (Standard Tapers)                                             417
           1.7.107       §ÚÏ UûW (Screw Threads)                                                    421

                         Tϧ 8 : A¥lTûP TWôU¬l× (Basic Maintenance)
           1.8.108       ùUôjR EtTj§ TWôU¬l× (Total productive maintenance)                         436
           1.8.109       YZdLUô] TWôU¬l× (Routine maintenance)                                      439

         1.8.110-111     YÚØu LôjRp TWôU¬l× (Preventive maintenance)                                442
           1.8.112       BnÜ, Bn®u YûLLs Utßm Bn®tLô] LÚÅjùRôϧLs
                         (Inspection types of inspection and gadgets for inspection)                448
         1.8.113-114     TWôU¬l× ¨ßYp (Maintenance - Installation)                                  452

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