Page 15 - Electrician 1st year - TT - Telugu
P. 15

22. Practice in Soldering of joints / lugs.   Types of solders and flux. (07 hrs.)
                                                 (12 Hrs.)

                                              23. Identify various parts, skinning and   Underground cables: Description,
                                                 dressing  of  underground  cable.   types,  various  joints  and  testing
                                                 (10Hrs.)                          procedure.
                                              24. Make straight joint of different types   Cable insulation & voltage grades
                                                 of underground cable. (10Hrs.)
                                                                                   Precautions in using various types
                                              25. Test insulation resistance of under-  of cables. (07 hrs.)
                                                 ground  cable  using  megger.  (06

                                              26. Test underground  cables for faults
                                                 and remove the fault. (10Hrs.)

             Profession-   Verify  characteris-  27. Practice on measurement of   param-  Ohm’s Law; Simple electrical cir-
             al  Skill  160  tics of electrical and   eters in combinational electrical circuit   cuits and problems.
             Hrs.;         magnetic circuits.    by applying Ohm’s Law for different
                                                 resistor values and voltage sources   Kirchoff’s Laws and applications.
             Professional  (NOS: PSS/N6001,      and analyse by drawing graphs. (08
             Knowledge  PSS/N6003)               Hrs.)                             Series and parallel circuits.
                                                                                   Open and short circuits in series
                                              28. Measure current and voltage in elec-  and parallel networks.(04 hrs.)
                                                 trical circuits to verify Kirchhoff’s Law

                                              29. Verify laws of series and parallel cir-
                                                 cuits with voltage source in different
                                                 combinations. (05Hrs.)

                                              30. Measure voltage and current against
                                                 individual resistance in electrical cir-
                                                 cuit (05hrs.)
                                              31. Measure  current  and  voltage  and
                                                 analyse  the  effects  of  shorts  and
                                                 opens in series circuit. (05 Hrs.)
                                              32. Measure  current  and  voltage  and
                                                 analyse  the  effects  of  shorts  and
                                                 opens in parallel circuit. (05 Hrs.)
                                              33. Measure  resistance  using  voltage  Laws of Resistance and various
                                                 drop method. (03Hrs.)            types of resistors.
                                              34. Measure  resistance  using  wheat- Wheatstone bridge; principle and
                                                 stone bridge. (02 Hrs.)          its applications.
                                              35. Determine the thermal effect of elec- Effect of variation of temperature
                                                 tric current. (03Hrs.)           on resistance.

                                              36. Determine the change in resistance  Different methods of measuring the
                                                 due to temperature. (02Hrs.)     values of resistance.
                                              37. Verify the characteristics of series  Series and parallel combinations
                                                 parallel  combination  of  resistors.  of resistors. (04 hrs.)

                                              38. Determine the poles and plot the field  Magnetic terms, magnetic materials
                                                 of a magnet bar. (05Hrs.)         and properties of magnet.
                                              39. Wind a solenoid and determine the  Principles  and  laws  of  electro-
                                                 magnetic effect of electric current.  magnetism.
                                                                                   Self and mutually induced EMFs.

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