Page 231 - Plumber- TT - 1st Year - Tamil
P. 231
©[m©e (Plumbing) T«t£1.8.68 - 70- dLô] ùRôPo×d LÚj§Vp
©[mTo (Plumber) þ TmlLs Utßm ©.®.£ CûQl×Ls (Pumps & PVC Joints)
TX®RUô] TmlLû[ Tt± ®Y¬jRp Nd`u Tml, ùNuh¬©ëdLs Tml
CRW TX., (Description and types of Pumps VIZ suction pump, centrifugal pump etc.,)
úSôdLeLs: ClTôPj§u Ø¥®p ¿eLs ùT\ úYi¥V A±Üj §\uLs
• TmlL°u úRûYLs Tt± A±Rp
• TmlL°u YûLLs Tt± A±Rp
• TmlL°u YûLlTôÓLû[ Tt± A±Rp.
Tml GuTÕ Tm©e ùNnÙm NôR]m (Pump Tml ùNVpTôh¥û] SôuÏ YûL«p
is a device used for pumping)) A±VlTÓ¡\Õ. (Based on the principle of
operation, pumps can be broadly classified into the
Tml GuTÕ Ri½ûW Tml©e ùNnÙm
following four types)
NôR]m.ûXl ûXuL°p AÝjRjûR
A§L¬lTRtÏm TVuTÓjRlTÓ¡\Õ. i CPlùTVof£ Tm×Ls (Displacement pumps)
TmlL°u TVuTôÓ (Purpose of pumps) ii ûUV®XdÏ ®ûN Tm×Ls (Centrifugal pumps)
ÑjRlÓjRôR Ri½ûW ¿WôRôWj§XõÚkÕ
iii Lôtß çd¡ (Ho-Xõlh) Tm×Ls (Air lift
ùTßRp, H¬Ls, ¿ojúRdLm, Bß ApXÕ
¡Qß CYt±XõÚkÕ Ri½ûW GÓjÕf
ùNpÛRp. iv CRW TX TmlLs (Miscellaneous pumps)
Ñj§L¬dLlThP Ri½ûW úUp¨ûX b Bt\p úRûY A¥lTûP«Xô]
¿ojúRdLj ùRôh¥Ls ApXÕ ¿o úRdLj YûLlTôÓLs (Classification based on type
ùRôh¥LÞdÏ GÓjÕ ùNpYÕ JÚ of power required):
ϱl©hP RÏkR AÝjR§p ÖLoúYôÚdÏ i ¿Wô® Cu_õu Tm×Ls (Steam engine
Ï¥¿ûW YZeÏRp ûTl ûXuL°p pumps)
AÝjRjûR A§L¬jRp ¾VûQl×
ii ¼Np Cu_õu Tm×Ls(Diesel engine pumps)
NôR]eLÞdÏ AÝjRjÕPu Ri½ûW
YZeÏRp Ri½ûW Ñj§L¬dLlTÓm iii ªuNôWjRôp CVeÏm Tm×Ls (Electricity
©[ôuhL°p ®ÓlThP ùNVpTôÓLÞdÏ driven pumps)
ARôYÕ (i) Y¥Lh¥L°u úTdYôμe (ii) c GkR YûLVô] úNûYdÏ úRûY
CWNôVQeLû[ Tml©e ùNnRp Utßm ¿o
GuT§u A¥lTûP«p (Classification
úRdL ùRôh¥Ls úT£uLs, NmlLs CRW
based on the type of service called for)
TXYtû\ ¥þYôhP¬e (CûWjRp) ùNnRp.
i Ïû\Yô] EVWm çd¡ Tm×Ls (Low lift
TmlL°u YûLLs Utßm AYt±û] pumps)
úRokùRÓjRp (Types of pumps and their choice)
ii A§L EVWm çd¡ Tm×Ls (High lift pumps)
TmlL°u YûLlTôÓLû[ ¸rLiPT¥
A±VlTÓ¡\Õ. iii Br ¡Qß Tm×Ls (Deep well pumps)
i CVk§W ùS±Øû\ ùNVpTôÓLs. iv évPo (¿o EsÕRp) Tm×Ls (Booster
(Mechanical principle of operation) pumps)
ii úRûYVô] Bt\p YûL Utßm (Type of ¸rYÚm LôWQeLû[ ùTôßjÕ JÚ
power required, and) ϱl©hP YûL TmûT úRoÜ ùNnRp
(The selection of a particular type of pump depends
iii GkR YûLVô] úNûYdÏ TVuTÓjÕRp upon the following factors):
(Type of service called for)
i Tm©u §\u
a CVk§W ùS±Øû\ ùNVpTôÓ
A¥lTûP«p YûLlTÓjÕRp ii GjRû] Tml ë²hLs úRûY
(Classification based on mechanical principle of iii E±gÑm §\u
iv EVWm RsÞRp (ùUôjR EVWm)