Page 10 - Electrician -1st Year - TT
P. 10

T«t£ Gi                         T«t£dLô] ùRôPo× LÚj§Vp                                  TdL Gi

        1.3.29 & 30      DC ùRôPo CûQl× Utßm TdL CûQl×  (DC series and
                         parallel circuits)                                                         84
        1.3.31 & 32      ùRôPo Utßm TdL CûQl×L°p §\kR Utßm ÏßdÏ
                         ªuÑtßLs  (Open and short circuit in series and parallel network)           88
        1.3.33           ªuRûP ®§Ls Utßm TpúYß YûLVô] ªuRûPLs
                         (Laws of resistance and various types of resistors)                        92
        1.3.34           Åh vúPôu ©¬h_ó þ RjÕYm Utßm ARu TVuLs
                         (Wheatstone bridge- principle and its application)                         100
        1.3.35 & 36      ùYlTj§]ôp ªuRûP«p HtTÓm ®û[ÜLs (Effect of
                         variation of temperature on resistance)                                    102
        1.3.37           ùRôPo CûQl×m TdL CûQl×m JÚe¡ûQkR CûQl×
                         (Series parallel combination circuit)                                      105
                         Tϧ 4 : LôkR®Vp Utßm ùLlTô£hPo (Magnetism and
        1.4.38           LôkR®Vp TReLs, LôkRl ùTôÚhLs Utßm LôkRj§u
                         ÏQô§NVeLs (Magnetic terms, magnetic material and properties of
                         magnet)                                                                    107

        1.4.39 & 40      ªu LôkR®VXõu ®§Ls Utßm RjÕYeLs (Principles and laws
                         of electro magnetism)                                                      111
        1.4.41 & 42      LôkRfÑtßdLs þ Ru çiPp Utßm TWvTW çiPp
                         ªu]ÝjRm (The magnetic circuits - self and mutually induced emfs)           113

        1.4.43 & 44      ùLlTô£hPoLs þ YûLLs þ CVdLm þ ÏÝYôL
                         CûQjRp þ TVuLs  (Capacitors - types - functions , grouping
                         and uses) (QR Code Pg. No.118) *                                           118

                         Tϧ 5 : AC  ªuÑtßdLs (AC Circuits)
        1.5.45           UôߧûN ªuú]ôhPm þ TReLs Utßm YûWVû\Ls
                         - ùYdPôo YûWTPeLs (Alternating current - terms - terms & definitions
                         - vector diagrams)                                                         125
        1.5.46           ùRôPo CûQl× ùWùNô]v ªuÑtß (Series resonance circuit)                       143
        1.5.47           R-L, R-C Utßm R-L-C CûQ ªuÑtßdLs (R-L, R-C and R-L-C
                         parallel circuits)                                                         145
        1.5.48           CûQ CûQl× ùWùNô]uv ªuÑtßLs (Parallel resonance
                         circuits)                                                                  150

        1.5.49           £e¡s úTv CûQl©p ªu §\u, ªu]ôt\p §\u
                         LôW¦ Utßm LQdÏLs (Power energy and power factor in AC
                         single phase system - problems) (QR Code Pg. No.153) *                     153
        1.5.50 & 51      §\u LôW¦ þ §\u LôW¦ûV úUmTÓjÕRp (Power factor -
                         improvement of power factor)                                               157
        1.5.52 - 56      êuß úTv Uôß §ûN ªuÑt±p A¥lTûPLs  (3-Phase AC
                         Tϧ 6 : ùNpLs Utßm úThP¬Ls (Cells and Batteries)

        1.6.57           ©ûWU¬ ùNpLs Utßm ùNLuP¬ ùNpLs (Primary Cells
                         and Secondary Cells) (QR Code Pg. No.174) *                                174

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