Page 16 - Fitter - 1st Yr - TT - Punjab
P. 16

36.Chip sheet metal (shearing). (3 hrs.)  Vernier  calipers,  principle,
                                       37.Chip step and file. (3 hrs.)       construction, graduations, reading,
                                                                             use and care. Vernier bevel
                                                                             protractor,      construction,
                                                                             graduations, reading, use and care,
                                                                             dial Vernier Caliper, Digital Vernier
                                                                             Vernier  height  gauge:  material
                                                                             construction,  parts,  graduations
                                                                             (English & Metric) uses, care and
                                                                             maintenance. (03 hrs.)
                                        38.Mark off and drill through holes. (5 hrs.)  Drilling processes: common type
                                        39.Drill and tap on M.S. flat. (8 hrs.)  (bench type, pillar type, radial
                                                                             type), gang and multiple drilling
                                        40.Punch letter and number (letter punch  machine.
                                           and number punch) (3 hrs.)
                                                                             Determination of tap drill size.
                                        41.Practice use of different punches. (5  (03 hrs.)
       Professional  Manufacture        42.Marking of straight lines, circles,  Safety precautions to be observed
       Skill 97Hrs;  simple    sheet       profiles  and  various  geometrical  in a sheet metal workshop, sheet
       Professional  metal  items  as      shapes and cutting the sheets with  and sizes, Commercial sizes and
                                                                             various types of metal sheets,
                     per drawing and
       Knowledge     join them by          snips. (12 hrs.)                  coated sheets and their uses as per
       21Hrs                            43.Marking out of simple development (5
                     soldering, brazing                                      BIS specifications. Shearing
                     and    riveting.      hrs.)                             machine- description, parts and
                     CSC/N0301          44.Marking out for flaps for soldering and  uses. (05 hrs.)
                                           sweating. (4 hrs.)

                                        45.Make various joints: wiring, hemming,  Marking and measuring tools, wing
                                           soldering and brazing, form locked,  compass, tin man's square tools,
                                           grooved and knocked up single hem  snips, types and uses. Tin man's
                                           straight and curved edges form    hammers and mallets type-sheet
                                           double hemming. (22 hrs.)         metal tools, types, specifications,
                                        46.Punch holes-using hollow and solid  uses. Trammel- description, parts,
                                           punches. (5 hrs.)                 uses. Hand grooves- specifications
                                                                             and uses.
                                        47.Do lap and butt joints. (12 hrs.)
                                                                             Sheet and wire gauge. (07 hrs.)
                                        48.Bend sheet metal into various     Stakes-bench types, parts, their
                                          curvature form, wired edges- straight  uses. Various types of metal joints,
                                          and curves. Fold sheet metal at angle  their  selection  and  application,
                                          using stakes. (6 hrs.)             tolerance  for  various  joints,  their

                                        49.Make simple Square container with  selection& application. Wired
                                          wired edge and fix handle. (13 hrs.)  edges. (04 hrs.)

                                       50.Make square tray with square soldered  Solder and soldering: Introduction-
                                          corner. (11 hrs.)                  types of solder and flux.
                                       51.Practice in soft soldering and silver  Composition of various types of
                                          soldering. (7 hrs.)                solders and their heating media of
                                                                             soldering iron. Method of soldering,
                                                                             selection and application-joints.
                                                                             Hard  solder-  Introduction,  types
                                                                             and method of brazing.  (05 hrs.)

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