Page 13 - Fitter- 1st Year TT - Kannada
P. 13

Module 2
                   Ex.No.1.2.16                            Ex.No.1.2.20                        Ex.No.1.2.24

               Measuring with outside      Marking off straight       Marking parallel      Finding center of round
                      calipers             lines and arcs using      lines using surface     bar with the help of
                                           scribing block and             gauge             ‘V’ block and marking
                                               dividers                                            block
                                    Ex.No.1.2.31                      Ex.No.1.2.32

                                  Checking the radius               Hacksawing on steel

                                     LEARNING / ASSESSABLE OUTCOME

             On completion of this book you shall be able to

                নং.                                       শিক্ষণ ফলাফল                            অনুিীলনী নং।

               1       Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification  applying different    1.1.01 - 1.2.41
                       types of basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following
                       safety precautions.[Basic fitting operation - marking, Hacks awing, Chiseling,
                       Filing, Drilling, Taping and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] CSC/N0304
               2       Manufacture simple sheet metal items as per drawing and join them by     1.3.42 - 1.3.51
                       soldering, brazing and riveting. CSC/N0301

               3       Join metal components by riveting observing standard procedure. CSC/N0304   1.3.52 - 1.3.55
               4       Join metal component by arc welding observing standard procedure.        1.4.56

               5       Cut and join metal component by gas (oxy-acetylene) CSC/N0304            1.4.57 - 1.4.60
               6       Produce components by different operations and check accuracy using      1.5.61 - 1.5.78
                       appropriate measuring instruments.[Different Operations - Drilling, Reaming,
                       Taping, Dieing; Appropriate MeasuringInstrument - Vernier, Screw Gauge,
                       Micrometer] CSC/N0304

               7       Make different fit of components for assembling as per required tolerance    1.6.79 - 1.6.89
                       observing principle of interchange ability and check for functionality. [Different
                       Fit - Sliding, Angular, Step fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit and Profile fit; Required
                       tolerance: ±0.04 mm, angular tolerance: 30 min.] CSC/N0304

               8       Produce components involving different operations on lathe observing standard   1.7.90 - 1.7.107
                       procedure and check for accuracy. [Different Operations - facing, plain turning,
                       step turning, parting, chamfering, shoulder turn, grooving, knurling, boring,
                       taper turning, threading (external ‘V’ only)] CSC/N0110
               9       Plan & perform simple repair, overhauling of different machines and check for    1.8.108-1.8.114
                       functionality. [Different Machines - Drill Machine, Power Saw, Bench Grinder
                       and Lathe]N/A
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