Page 72 - Electrician - 1st Year TT - Kannada
P. 72

7 Paper insulated, lead,      1.1kV           6 to 625 6 to 625   Dry places, heavy duty,   692-73
          covered, single core,       -do-            -do-        -do-    hazardous applications
          unarmoured.                                                     underground.
          a) Twin-core, armoured      -do-            -do-        -do-
          b) Three and three and      -do-            -do-        -do-    Dry places for cotton    693-1965
              half, armoured.                                             braided, otherwise metal

        8 Varnished cambric insulated   -do-
        N.B.  1  Where material of core is not mentioned, it is aluminium.
           2  ECC - Earth continuity conductor.

       52    ಪಾವರ್ : ಎಲೆಕ್ಟ್ ರಿ ಷಿಯನ್(NSQF - ರಿೋವೈಸ 2022) - ಎಕ್್ಸ ಸೈಜ್ 1.2.17-19 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಸಿದ್್ಧಾ ಂತ
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