Page 17 - MAEE - TP - Hindi
P. 17
(parasitic draw) and do corrective
action. (07 hrs)
24 Testing of relay and solenoids and
its circuit. (05 hrs)
Professional Construct basic 25 Identify and test power and signal Basic electronics: Description of Semi-
Skill 28 Hrs; electronic circuits connectors for continuity, Identify conductors, Solid state devices- Di-
and testing. and test different type of Diodes, NPN odes, Transistors, Thyristors, Uni-Junc-
Professional & PNP Transistors for its function- tion Transistors ( UJT), Metal Oxide
Knowledge ality.(16 hrs) Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs),
07 Hrs 26 Construct and test simple logic cir- Logic gates-OR, AND & NOT and Logic
cuits OR, AND & NOT and Logic gates using switches. (07 hrs)
gates using switches. (12 hrs)
Professional Check & Interpret 27 Identification of different type of Ve- Auto Industry - History, leading manu-
Skill 28Hrs; Vehicle Specification hicle. (04 hrs) facturers, development in automobile
data and VIN. Select 28 Demonstration of vehicle specifica- industry, trends, new product. Brief
Professional & operate various tion data.(06 hrs) about Ministry of Road transport &
Knowledge Service Station 29 Identification of vehicle information Highways, Definition: - Classification of
04 Hrs Equipment's. Number (VIN). (04 hrs) vehicles on the basis of load as per
30 Demonstration of Garage, Service central motor vehicle rule, wheels, final
station equipments. (07 hrs) drive, and fuel used, axles, position of
31 Vehicle hoists - Two post and four engine and steering transmission, body
post hoist, Engine hoists, Jacks, and load. Brief description and uses of
Stands.(07 hrs) Vehicle hoists -Two post and four post
hoist, Engine hoists, Jacks, Stands.
(04 hrs)
Professional Identify the major 32 Identification of parts in a diesel/ Introduction to Engine: Principle & work-
Skill 28Hrs; components of LMV/ petrol engine of LMV/ HMV.(08 hrs) ing of 4-stroke diesel engine (Compres-
HMV and dashboard 33 Practice on starting and stop- sion ignition Engine (C.I), Principle of
Professional gauges. ping of diesel/petrol engines. (12 hrs) Spark Ignition Engine (SI), difference
Knowledge 34 Observe and report the reading of between C.I. engine and S.I Engine,
07 Hrs Tachometer, Odometer, temp and Technical terms used in engine, Engine
Fuel gauge under ideal and on load specification. Study of various gauges/
condition. (08 hrs) instrument on a dash board of a vehicle-
Speedometer, Tachometer, Odometer
and Fuel gauge, and Indicators such
as gear shift position, Seat belt warn-
ing light, Parking-brake-engagement
warning light and an Engine-malfunc-
tion light. Different type of starting and
Stopping method of Petrol/Diesel En-
gine. (07 hrs)
Professional Identify and Check 35 Practice to identify components and Electrical and Electronic Components:-
Skill 28Hrs; wiring circuits and their locations indicated on the wir- Switches-Description of Normally open,
the electrical com- ing diagram. (12 hrs) Normally closed, single pole single
Professional ponents in the ve- 36 Practice to identify the power source, throw switch (SPST), ganged, and mer-
Knowledge hicle. ground connection, and controls for cury switches used in Automobile cir-
07 Hrs electrical circuits using a wiring dia- cuit. Description of Relay, ISO Relays,
gram.(16 hrs) Solenoids, Buzzers.
Resistors- Description of different type
of resistors and their color codes -
Fixed, stepped, and variable resistors-
Rheostat, Potentiometer. Description of
Diodes, Diode identification and ratings,
zener diodes, Avalanche diodes, Light
emitting diodes, photo diodes and
clamping diodes.