Page 75 - Fashion Design Technology-TP- Hindi
P. 75

परिधान (Apparel)                                                                       अभ्ास 1.4.10

                                                                                             Exercise 1.4.10
            फै शन डिजाइन औि प्रौद्योडिकी (Fashion Design and Technology) - सतह का अलंकिण
             Apparel                                                                         Exercise 1.4.10
             Fashion Design and Technology - Surface ornamentation
            बुडनयादी टाँके  का परिचय अस्ायी हाथ टाँके  (Introduction to basic stitches temporary
             Fashion Design and Technology - Surface ornamentation
             Introduction to basic stitches  temporary hand stitches
            hand stitches)                                                                   Exercise 1.4.10
             Introduction to basic stitches  temporary hand stitches
            Fashion Design and Technology - Surface ornamentation                            Exercise 1.4.10
             Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
            उद्ेश्य: इस अभ्यास के  अंत मेें आप यह कर सके गे
             Fashion Design and Technology - Surface ornamentation
             Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
             • stitch even basting by hand
             • stitch even basting by hand
            •  हाथ से बेस््टिंि की भी डसलाई किें
             • stitch uneven basting by hand
            Introduction to basic stitches  temporary hand stitches
             • stitch uneven basting by hand
             Introduction to basic stitches  temporary hand stitches
             • stitch diagonal basting by hand
            •  असमान बेस््टिंि कयो हाथ से डसलाई किें
             • stitch diagonal basting by hand
             • stitch slip basting by hand
            Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
            •  डतिछे  बेस््टिंि कयो हाथ से डसलाई किें
             • stitch slip basting by hand
             Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
             • stitch tailor’s tacks by hand.
            • stitch even basting by hand
             • stitch tailor’s tacks by hand.
             • stitch even basting by hand
            •  हाथ से स्लिप बेस््टिंि स््टिच किें
            • stitch uneven basting by hand
             • stitch uneven basting
            •  दजजी के  पट्यों कयो हाथ से डसलें।by hand
            • stitch diagonal basting by hand
             • stitch diagonal basting by hand
            • stitch slip basting by hand
             • stitch slip basting by hand
            • stitch tailor’s tacks by hand.                      Materials
               आवश्यकताएं  (Requirements)
             • stitch tailor’s tacks by hand.                     Materials
                                                                     Cotton fabric 10cm × 6cm
                                                                                                           -1 No.
                  Scale - 12”
                                                     - 1 No.
               उपकिण / साधन (Tools/Instrument)       - 1 No.      सामग्ी (Materials)                       -1 No.
                                                                     Cotton fabric 10cm × 6cm
                  Scale - 12”
                                                                                                           -1 No.
                  Pencil HB
                                                     - 1 No.
                                                                                                           -1 No.
               •  स्े ल - 12”                  - 1 No. - 1 No.    •  सूती कपड़े 10cm X 6 cm         - 1 No. -1 No.
                  Pencil HB
                  Scissor - 8”
                                                     - 1 No.
                                                                                                           -1 No.
                  Scissor - 8”
               •  पेंस�सल एचबी                 - 1 No.- 1 No.     •  धयागया                         - 1 No. -1 No.
                                                                     Measuring tape
                                                                                                           -1 No.
                                                                     Measuring tape
                                                                     Cotton fabric 10cm × 6cm
               •  कैं ची - 8”                  - 1 No. - 1 No.    •  सुई                            - 1 No.  -1 No.
                  Scale - 12”
                                                                     Cotton fabric 10cm × 6cm
                                                                                                           -1 No.
             PROCEDURE                               - 1 No.      • •  Thread                             -1 No.
                   Scale - 12”
                                                     - 1 No.
                  Pencil HB
             PROCEDURE                               - 1 No.      •  मेयापने कया टेप                - 1 No.  -1 No.
                                                                                                           -1 No.
                                                     - 1 No.
                   Pencil HB
                  Scissor - 8”
                                                                                                           -1 No.
                   Scissor - 8”
                      Prepare even basting
             TASK 1:
            प्र�रियया (PROCEDURE)                    - 1 No.      • • •  Measuring tape                   -1 No.
                                                                                                           -1 No.
             TASK 1:
                      Prepare even basting
                                                                     Measuring tape
             1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size (10cm × 6cm)
            टयास् 1: बेस््टिंि तैयाि किें fabric pieces of size (10cm × 6cm)
             1 Cut two cotton
                (Fig 1)
               (Fig 1)
            TASK 1:   Prepare even basting                        4  बॉल �पन कया उपयोग करके  एक कपड़े को दू सरे कपड़े के  ऊपर �िक्स
            1  (10cm × 6cm) आकयार के  दो सूती कपड़े के  टुकड़े कयाटें (Fig 1)
             TASK 1:  Prepare even basting
            1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size (10cm × 6cm)     करें। (Fig 3)
             1 Cut two cotton fabric pieces of size (10cm × 6cm)
               (Fig 1)
                (Fig 1)
                                                                  5 Draw a horizontal line at the center of the fabric.
                                                                  5 Draw a horizontal line at the center of the fabric.
                                                                     (Fig 4)
                                                                     (Fig 4)
             2 Cut (50 cm) thread from the cone.                  5 Draw a horizontal line at the center of the fabric.
                                                                  5 Draw a horizontal line at the center of the fabric.
            2  कोन से धयागया (50 cm) कयाटें                       5  कपड़े के  कें द्र मेें एक क्षै�तज रेखया खींचें। (Fig 4)
             2 Cut (50 cm) thread from the cone.
                                                                     (Fig 4)
             3 Make a knot at one end of the thread.  (Fig 2)        (Fig 4)
             3 Make a knot at one end of the thread.  (Fig 2)
            3  धयागे के  एक �सरे पर गयांठ लगया लें। (Fig 2)
            2 Cut (50 cm) thread from the cone.
             2 Cut (50 cm) thread from the cone.
            3 Make a knot at one end of the thread.  (Fig 2)
             3 Make a knot at one end of the thread.  (Fig 2)
                                                                  6 Mark equal stitch length with distance of (0.5cm) on
                                                                  6 Mark equal stitch length with distance of (0.5cm) on
                                                                     the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                                     the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                                  7 Bring the needle from the bottom of the fabric at point
                                                                  7 Bring the needle from the bottom of the fabric at point
                                                                     ‘A’ and pull the thread fully to the top layer.
                                                                  6 Mark equal stitch length with distance of (0.5cm) on
                                                                     ‘A’ and pull the thread fully to the top layer.
                                                                  6  कपड़े पर (0.5 cm) की दू री के  सयाथ �सलयाई की लंबयाई के  बरयाबर
                                                                  6 Mark equal stitch length with distance of (0.5cm) on
                                                                  8 Insert the needle
                                                                     the fabric. (Fig 5) at point ‘B’ and bring the needle
                                                                  8 Insert the needle at point ‘B’ and bring the needle
                                                                     the fabric. (Fig 5)
                                                                    �नशयान लगयाएं । (Fig 5)
                                                                     through point ‘C’ from the bottom of the fabric.
                                                                  7 Bring the needle from the bottom of the fabric at point
                                                                     through point ‘C’ from the bottom of the fabric.
                                                                  7 Bring the needle from the bottom of the fabric at point
             4 Fix one fabric over the other fabric using ball pin.  9 Insert needle into point ‘D’ and pull through ‘E’ and
                                                                     ‘A’ and pull the thread fully to the top layer.
             4 Fix one fabric over the other fabric using ball pin.  9 Insert needle into point ‘D’ and pull through ‘E’ and
                                                                     ‘A’ and pull the thread fully to the top layer.
                (Fig 3)
                                                                     continue stitching with equal spaced.
               (Fig 3)                                            8 Insert the needle at point ‘B’ and bring the needle
                                                                     continue stitching with equal spaced.
             54                                                   8 Insert the needle at point ‘B’ and bring the needle
                                                                     through point ‘C’ from the bottom of the fabric.
             54                                                      through point ‘C’ from the bottom of the fabric.
            4 Fix one fabric over the other fabric using ball pin.  9 Insert needle into point ‘D’ and pull through ‘E’ and
             4 Fix one fabric over the other fabric using ball pin.  9 Insert needle into point ‘D’ and pull through ‘E’ and
               (Fig 3)
                                                                     continue stitching with equal spaced.
                (Fig 3)                                              continue stitching with equal spaced.
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