Page 267 - Fashion Design Technology-TP- Hindi
P. 267
माप (8 वष ) साम ी
शीष 2.70 x 0.90 मीटर पोपिलन
पूण लंबाई = 52cm 8 बटन
ाकृ ितक कमर = 30cm
गद न = 29cm
कं धा = 30cm
छाती = 66cm
आ ीन की लंबाई =45cm
पूण लंबाई = 75cm
िहप = 72cm
गोल तली = 40cm
काय का म (Job Sequence)
Top (Front) 3-25 = Ch/12 Square down from 25
25-26 = Ch/12 - 1 cm
Square out horizontally and 26-27 = Ch/6 - 1 cm Pocket mouth
vertically from 0
0-1 = FL Square out from 1 Top (Back)
0-2 = Ch/4 - 1 cm
0-3 = N/W Square out from 2 and 3 4-28 = 2-4 Square up and down from 28
2-4 = Ch/4 + 4 cm and mark 29, 30, 31
2-5 = Sh/2 Square up from 5 and mark 6 28-32 = Sh/2 Square up from 32 and mark 33
Square down from 4 and mark 29-34 = Ch/12 Square up from 34
7 and 8 34-35 = 1.5 cm Shape 29-35 (back neck)
0-9 = Ch/12 33-36 = 1 cm Join 35-36
6-10 = Ch/24 Join 9-10 36-37 = 1/2 of 33-32 Divide angle 36-32-4
5-11 = 1/2 of 10-5 Square out from 11
11-12 = 1 cm Divide angle 10-5-4 32-38 = 1/2 of 32-4 + Shape 36-37-38-4
0.75 cm
5-13 = 1/2 of 4-5 Shape 10-12-13-4 (front 7-39 = 1 cm Join 4-39 and 39-8
0-14 = Ch/12 Join 9-14
9-15 = 1/2 of 9-14 Square out from 15
15-16 = 0.75 cm Shape 9-16-14
1-17 = 2 cm Square out from 17
Square out from 0
17-18 = 1.25 cm Square up from 18 and mark 19
18-20 = Ch/12 + 1.5 cm Square up from 20 and mark 21
Extend the shape 9-16-14 and
mark 22
Reverse the neck shape from 22
18-23 = 18-20 Shape 8-23-17
7-24 = 1 cm Join 4-24 and 24-8
प रधान - फै शन िडजाइन और ौ ोिगकी - (NSQF संशोिधत 2022) - अ ास 1.11.31 251