Page 250 - Fashion Design Technology-TP- Hindi
P. 250
मा र पैटन (Master pattern) 2 पेपर िशयस का उपयोग करके अित र ाउन शीट को काट ल ।
1 पीटर-पैन कॉलर के साथ ेन ॉक का मा र पैटन तैयार करने के 3 डाट और ीव पर माक और कट नॉच मािक ग चु ट बनाते ह ।
िलए कट पेपर पैटन म िन िल खत भ ा जोड़ ।
काय का म(Job Sequence)
Square out horizontally and
vertically from 0
0-1 = NW Square out from 1
0-2 = Ch/4 - 1 cm Square out from 2
0-3 = Sh/2 Square down from 3 and mark
2-5 = Ch/4 + 2.5 cm Square down from 5 and mark
6-7 = 1 cm Join 5-7
0-8 = Ch/12
3-9 = Ch/36 Join 8-9
0-10 = Ch/12 + 0.75 cm Shape 8-10 (front neck)
9-11 = 1/2 of 9-4 Square in
11-12 = 1 cm
4-13 = 2 cm Shape 9-12-13-5 (front
1-14 = Ch/12 + 1 cm Square up from 14
14-15 = Ch/8 Join 14-15
Back 14-16 = 14-17 = 0.75 cm Join 15-16, 15-17
1-18 = 1.0 cm Square out from 18
Divide angle 4-5-3
4-22 = 1/2 of 4-5+0.75 cm Shape 9-11-22-5 (back 14-19 = 1.0 cm Extend the line of dart and
mark point 20 and 21
+ 0.75 cm Shape 7-21
Extend the line 3-0, 6-1
0-23 = 1.25 cm Square down from 23 and
mark 24
23-25 = 2.5 cm Square down from 25 and
mark 26
0-27 = 23-28 = 1 cm Shape 8-27-28 reverse the
shape of 28-8 and mark 29
Note: Bottom line of back is 26-7.
Square out horizontally and
vertically from 0
0-1 = Ch/4 + 2.5 cm Square out from 1
0-2 = 0-1 Square down from 2, mark 3
Join 2-1
2-4 = Ch/12 + 1 cm Draw 90° angle on point 4
4-5 = Ch/12 + 1 cm Join 4-5 and extend
4-6 = 1 cm
4-7 = N/2 Draw right angle on point 7
7-8 = 3 cm Join 5-8
Square out horizontally and 4-9 = 1/2 of 6-5
vertically from 0 9-10 = 0.5 cm
0-1 = FL-NW Square out from 1 5-11 = 5-9 Shape 6-10-11-8
0-2 = Ch/2 + 10 cm Square down from 2 and mark 4-12 = 1/2 of 4-7 Shape 6-12-7
point 3 8-13 = 0.5 cm Extend 11-8
Join 13-7
234 प रधान - फै शन िडजाइन और ौ ोिगकी - (NSQF संशोिधत 2022) - अ ास 1.11.30